


Blixtra and Snutens puppies are born 2024-12-14

4 brown puppies 2 females and 2 males

SVSCH WildN'Beauty's Salted Caramell "Blixtra" 

HD A+A and ED ua
Free from  EIC, HNPK and PRA.

SE U(U)CH WildN`Beautys Call D`Cops ”Snuten”

HD: A+A ED: 00

EIC, HNPK, PRA, Stargarts PRA, cysturi, curt coat, långhårsgen: fri/Cleans

Pedigree for the litter

WildN`Beautys Call D`Cops ”Snuten” Salt Creek Changing The Rules Greenstone's Journey To My Heart
Greenstone's Salt Creek Memory
Wildn'Beauty's Suger Coated Destinys Tellmenothingidon'Tknow
Wildn'Beauty's Oh'My Gosh
WildN'Beauty's Salted Caramell "Blixtra"  Tjotte's Snooze Or Loose (b) Tjotte's Win The Crowd (b)
Mallorn's Gangsta's Paradise (b)
Wildn'beauty's Backstage Drama Mallorn's Big Brother (s)
Wildn'beauty's Preppy Polly (b)